'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var util = require('node:util'); var path = require('node:path'); var Ajv = require('ajv'); var globals = require('globals'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var util__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(util); var path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(path); var Ajv__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(Ajv); var globals__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(globals); /** * @fileoverview Config file operations. This file must be usable in the browser, * so no Node-specific code can be here. * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const RULE_SEVERITY_STRINGS = ["off", "warn", "error"], RULE_SEVERITY = RULE_SEVERITY_STRINGS.reduce((map, value, index) => { map[value] = index; return map; }, {}), VALID_SEVERITIES = new Set([0, 1, 2, "off", "warn", "error"]); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Normalizes the severity value of a rule's configuration to a number * @param {(number|string|[number, ...*]|[string, ...*])} ruleConfig A rule's configuration value, generally * received from the user. A valid config value is either 0, 1, 2, the string "off" (treated the same as 0), * the string "warn" (treated the same as 1), the string "error" (treated the same as 2), or an array * whose first element is one of the above values. Strings are matched case-insensitively. * @returns {(0|1|2)} The numeric severity value if the config value was valid, otherwise 0. */ function getRuleSeverity(ruleConfig) { const severityValue = Array.isArray(ruleConfig) ? ruleConfig[0] : ruleConfig; if (severityValue === 0 || severityValue === 1 || severityValue === 2) { return severityValue; } if (typeof severityValue === "string") { return RULE_SEVERITY[severityValue.toLowerCase()] || 0; } return 0; } /** * Converts old-style severity settings (0, 1, 2) into new-style * severity settings (off, warn, error) for all rules. Assumption is that severity * values have already been validated as correct. * @param {Object} config The config object to normalize. * @returns {void} */ function normalizeToStrings(config) { if (config.rules) { Object.keys(config.rules).forEach(ruleId => { const ruleConfig = config.rules[ruleId]; if (typeof ruleConfig === "number") { config.rules[ruleId] = RULE_SEVERITY_STRINGS[ruleConfig] || RULE_SEVERITY_STRINGS[0]; } else if (Array.isArray(ruleConfig) && typeof ruleConfig[0] === "number") { ruleConfig[0] = RULE_SEVERITY_STRINGS[ruleConfig[0]] || RULE_SEVERITY_STRINGS[0]; } }); } } /** * Determines if the severity for the given rule configuration represents an error. * @param {int|string|Array} ruleConfig The configuration for an individual rule. * @returns {boolean} True if the rule represents an error, false if not. */ function isErrorSeverity(ruleConfig) { return getRuleSeverity(ruleConfig) === 2; } /** * Checks whether a given config has valid severity or not. * @param {number|string|Array} ruleConfig The configuration for an individual rule. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the configuration has valid severity. */ function isValidSeverity(ruleConfig) { let severity = Array.isArray(ruleConfig) ? ruleConfig[0] : ruleConfig; if (typeof severity === "string") { severity = severity.toLowerCase(); } return VALID_SEVERITIES.has(severity); } /** * Checks whether every rule of a given config has valid severity or not. * @param {Object} config The configuration for rules. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the configuration has valid severity. */ function isEverySeverityValid(config) { return Object.keys(config).every(ruleId => isValidSeverity(config[ruleId])); } /** * Normalizes a value for a global in a config * @param {(boolean|string|null)} configuredValue The value given for a global in configuration or in * a global directive comment * @returns {("readable"|"writeable"|"off")} The value normalized as a string * @throws Error if global value is invalid */ function normalizeConfigGlobal(configuredValue) { switch (configuredValue) { case "off": return "off"; case true: case "true": case "writeable": case "writable": return "writable"; case null: case false: case "false": case "readable": case "readonly": return "readonly"; default: throw new Error(`'${configuredValue}' is not a valid configuration for a global (use 'readonly', 'writable', or 'off')`); } } var ConfigOps = { __proto__: null, getRuleSeverity: getRuleSeverity, normalizeToStrings: normalizeToStrings, isErrorSeverity: isErrorSeverity, isValidSeverity: isValidSeverity, isEverySeverityValid: isEverySeverityValid, normalizeConfigGlobal: normalizeConfigGlobal }; /** * @fileoverview Provide the function that emits deprecation warnings. * @author Toru Nagashima */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Defitions for deprecation warnings. const deprecationWarningMessages = { ESLINT_LEGACY_ECMAFEATURES: "The 'ecmaFeatures' config file property is deprecated and has no effect.", ESLINT_PERSONAL_CONFIG_LOAD: "'~/.eslintrc.*' config files have been deprecated. " + "Please use a config file per project or the '--config' option.", ESLINT_PERSONAL_CONFIG_SUPPRESS: "'~/.eslintrc.*' config files have been deprecated. " + "Please remove it or add 'root:true' to the config files in your " + "projects in order to avoid loading '~/.eslintrc.*' accidentally." }; const sourceFileErrorCache = new Set(); /** * Emits a deprecation warning containing a given filepath. A new deprecation warning is emitted * for each unique file path, but repeated invocations with the same file path have no effect. * No warnings are emitted if the `--no-deprecation` or `--no-warnings` Node runtime flags are active. * @param {string} source The name of the configuration source to report the warning for. * @param {string} errorCode The warning message to show. * @returns {void} */ function emitDeprecationWarning(source, errorCode) { const cacheKey = JSON.stringify({ source, errorCode }); if (sourceFileErrorCache.has(cacheKey)) { return; } sourceFileErrorCache.add(cacheKey); const rel = path__default["default"].relative(process.cwd(), source); const message = deprecationWarningMessages[errorCode]; process.emitWarning( `${message} (found in "${rel}")`, "DeprecationWarning", errorCode ); } /** * @fileoverview The instance of Ajv validator. * @author Evgeny Poberezkin */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Copied from ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-04.json * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Evgeny Poberezkin */ const metaSchema = { id: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", description: "Core schema meta-schema", definitions: { schemaArray: { type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { $ref: "#" } }, positiveInteger: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }, positiveIntegerDefault0: { allOf: [{ $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, { default: 0 }] }, simpleTypes: { enum: ["array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number", "object", "string"] }, stringArray: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true } }, type: "object", properties: { id: { type: "string" }, $schema: { type: "string" }, title: { type: "string" }, description: { type: "string" }, default: { }, multipleOf: { type: "number", minimum: 0, exclusiveMinimum: true }, maximum: { type: "number" }, exclusiveMaximum: { type: "boolean", default: false }, minimum: { type: "number" }, exclusiveMinimum: { type: "boolean", default: false }, maxLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, minLength: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" }, pattern: { type: "string", format: "regex" }, additionalItems: { anyOf: [ { type: "boolean" }, { $ref: "#" } ], default: { } }, items: { anyOf: [ { $ref: "#" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" } ], default: { } }, maxItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, minItems: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" }, uniqueItems: { type: "boolean", default: false }, maxProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveInteger" }, minProperties: { $ref: "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" }, required: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringArray" }, additionalProperties: { anyOf: [ { type: "boolean" }, { $ref: "#" } ], default: { } }, definitions: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" }, default: { } }, properties: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" }, default: { } }, patternProperties: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { $ref: "#" }, default: { } }, dependencies: { type: "object", additionalProperties: { anyOf: [ { $ref: "#" }, { $ref: "#/definitions/stringArray" } ] } }, enum: { type: "array", minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true }, type: { anyOf: [ { $ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, minItems: 1, uniqueItems: true } ] }, format: { type: "string" }, allOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, anyOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, oneOf: { $ref: "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, not: { $ref: "#" } }, dependencies: { exclusiveMaximum: ["maximum"], exclusiveMinimum: ["minimum"] }, default: { } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var ajvOrig = (additionalOptions = {}) => { const ajv = new Ajv__default["default"]({ meta: false, useDefaults: true, validateSchema: false, missingRefs: "ignore", verbose: true, schemaId: "auto", ...additionalOptions }); ajv.addMetaSchema(metaSchema); // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle -- part of the API ajv._opts.defaultMeta = metaSchema.id; return ajv; }; /** * @fileoverview Applies default rule options * @author JoshuaKGoldberg */ /** * Check if the variable contains an object strictly rejecting arrays * @param {unknown} value an object * @returns {boolean} Whether value is an object */ function isObjectNotArray(value) { return typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value); } /** * Deeply merges second on top of first, creating a new {} object if needed. * @param {T} first Base, default value. * @param {U} second User-specified value. * @returns {T | U | (T & U)} Merged equivalent of second on top of first. */ function deepMergeObjects(first, second) { if (second === void 0) { return first; } if (!isObjectNotArray(first) || !isObjectNotArray(second)) { return second; } const result = { ...first, ...second }; for (const key of Object.keys(second)) { if (Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(first, key)) { result[key] = deepMergeObjects(first[key], second[key]); } } return result; } /** * Deeply merges second on top of first, creating a new [] array if needed. * @param {T[] | undefined} first Base, default values. * @param {U[] | undefined} second User-specified values. * @returns {(T | U | (T & U))[]} Merged equivalent of second on top of first. */ function deepMergeArrays(first, second) { if (!first || !second) { return second || first || []; } return [ ...first.map((value, i) => deepMergeObjects(value, second[i])), ...second.slice(first.length) ]; } /** * @fileoverview Defines a schema for configs. * @author Sylvan Mably */ const baseConfigProperties = { $schema: { type: "string" }, env: { type: "object" }, extends: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStrings" }, globals: { type: "object" }, overrides: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "#/definitions/overrideConfig" }, additionalItems: false }, parser: { type: ["string", "null"] }, parserOptions: { type: "object" }, plugins: { type: "array" }, processor: { type: "string" }, rules: { type: "object" }, settings: { type: "object" }, noInlineConfig: { type: "boolean" }, reportUnusedDisableDirectives: { type: "boolean" }, ecmaFeatures: { type: "object" } // deprecated; logs a warning when used }; const configSchema = { definitions: { stringOrStrings: { oneOf: [ { type: "string" }, { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, additionalItems: false } ] }, stringOrStringsRequired: { oneOf: [ { type: "string" }, { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, additionalItems: false, minItems: 1 } ] }, // Config at top-level. objectConfig: { type: "object", properties: { root: { type: "boolean" }, ignorePatterns: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStrings" }, ...baseConfigProperties }, additionalProperties: false }, // Config in `overrides`. overrideConfig: { type: "object", properties: { excludedFiles: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStrings" }, files: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStringsRequired" }, ...baseConfigProperties }, required: ["files"], additionalProperties: false } }, $ref: "#/definitions/objectConfig" }; /** * @fileoverview Defines environment settings and globals. * @author Elan Shanker */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Get the object that has difference. * @param {Record} current The newer object. * @param {Record} prev The older object. * @returns {Record} The difference object. */ function getDiff(current, prev) { const retv = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(current)) { if (!Object.hasOwn(prev, key)) { retv[key] = value; } } return retv; } const newGlobals2015 = getDiff(globals__default["default"].es2015, globals__default["default"].es5); // 19 variables such as Promise, Map, ... const newGlobals2017 = { Atomics: false, SharedArrayBuffer: false }; const newGlobals2020 = { BigInt: false, BigInt64Array: false, BigUint64Array: false, globalThis: false }; const newGlobals2021 = { AggregateError: false, FinalizationRegistry: false, WeakRef: false }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {Map} */ var environments = new Map(Object.entries({ // Language builtin: { globals: globals__default["default"].es5 }, es6: { globals: newGlobals2015, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6 } }, es2015: { globals: newGlobals2015, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6 } }, es2016: { globals: newGlobals2015, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 7 } }, es2017: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 8 } }, es2018: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 9 } }, es2019: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 10 } }, es2020: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017, ...newGlobals2020 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 11 } }, es2021: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017, ...newGlobals2020, ...newGlobals2021 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 12 } }, es2022: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017, ...newGlobals2020, ...newGlobals2021 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 13 } }, es2023: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017, ...newGlobals2020, ...newGlobals2021 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 14 } }, es2024: { globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017, ...newGlobals2020, ...newGlobals2021 }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 15 } }, // Platforms browser: { globals: globals__default["default"].browser }, node: { globals: globals__default["default"].node, parserOptions: { ecmaFeatures: { globalReturn: true } } }, "shared-node-browser": { globals: globals__default["default"]["shared-node-browser"] }, worker: { globals: globals__default["default"].worker }, serviceworker: { globals: globals__default["default"].serviceworker }, // Frameworks commonjs: { globals: globals__default["default"].commonjs, parserOptions: { ecmaFeatures: { globalReturn: true } } }, amd: { globals: globals__default["default"].amd }, mocha: { globals: globals__default["default"].mocha }, jasmine: { globals: globals__default["default"].jasmine }, jest: { globals: globals__default["default"].jest }, phantomjs: { globals: globals__default["default"].phantomjs }, jquery: { globals: globals__default["default"].jquery }, qunit: { globals: globals__default["default"].qunit }, prototypejs: { globals: globals__default["default"].prototypejs }, shelljs: { globals: globals__default["default"].shelljs }, meteor: { globals: globals__default["default"].meteor }, mongo: { globals: globals__default["default"].mongo }, protractor: { globals: globals__default["default"].protractor }, applescript: { globals: globals__default["default"].applescript }, nashorn: { globals: globals__default["default"].nashorn }, atomtest: { globals: globals__default["default"].atomtest }, embertest: { globals: globals__default["default"].embertest }, webextensions: { globals: globals__default["default"].webextensions }, greasemonkey: { globals: globals__default["default"].greasemonkey } })); /** * @fileoverview Validates configs. * @author Brandon Mills */ const ajv = ajvOrig(); const ruleValidators = new WeakMap(); const noop = Function.prototype; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ let validateSchema; const severityMap = { error: 2, warn: 1, off: 0 }; const validated = new WeakSet(); // JSON schema that disallows passing any options const noOptionsSchema = Object.freeze({ type: "array", minItems: 0, maxItems: 0 }); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exports //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Validator for configuration objects. */ class ConfigValidator { constructor({ builtInRules = new Map() } = {}) { this.builtInRules = builtInRules; } /** * Gets a complete options schema for a rule. * @param {Rule} rule A rule object * @throws {TypeError} If `meta.schema` is specified but is not an array, object or `false`. * @returns {Object|null} JSON Schema for the rule's options. * `null` if rule wasn't passed or its `meta.schema` is `false`. */ getRuleOptionsSchema(rule) { if (!rule) { return null; } if (!rule.meta) { return { ...noOptionsSchema }; // default if `meta.schema` is not specified } const schema = rule.meta.schema; if (typeof schema === "undefined") { return { ...noOptionsSchema }; // default if `meta.schema` is not specified } // `schema:false` is an allowed explicit opt-out of options validation for the rule if (schema === false) { return null; } if (typeof schema !== "object" || schema === null) { throw new TypeError("Rule's `meta.schema` must be an array or object"); } // ESLint-specific array form needs to be converted into a valid JSON Schema definition if (Array.isArray(schema)) { if (schema.length) { return { type: "array", items: schema, minItems: 0, maxItems: schema.length }; } // `schema:[]` is an explicit way to specify that the rule does not accept any options return { ...noOptionsSchema }; } // `schema:` is assumed to be a valid JSON Schema definition return schema; } /** * Validates a rule's severity and returns the severity value. Throws an error if the severity is invalid. * @param {options} options The given options for the rule. * @returns {number|string} The rule's severity value * @throws {Error} If the severity is invalid. */ validateRuleSeverity(options) { const severity = Array.isArray(options) ? options[0] : options; const normSeverity = typeof severity === "string" ? severityMap[severity.toLowerCase()] : severity; if (normSeverity === 0 || normSeverity === 1 || normSeverity === 2) { return normSeverity; } throw new Error(`\tSeverity should be one of the following: 0 = off, 1 = warn, 2 = error (you passed '${util__default["default"].inspect(severity).replace(/'/gu, "\"").replace(/\n/gu, "")}').\n`); } /** * Validates the non-severity options passed to a rule, based on its schema. * @param {{create: Function}} rule The rule to validate * @param {Array} localOptions The options for the rule, excluding severity * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} If the options are invalid. */ validateRuleSchema(rule, localOptions) { if (!ruleValidators.has(rule)) { try { const schema = this.getRuleOptionsSchema(rule); if (schema) { ruleValidators.set(rule, ajv.compile(schema)); } } catch (err) { const errorWithCode = new Error(err.message, { cause: err }); errorWithCode.code = "ESLINT_INVALID_RULE_OPTIONS_SCHEMA"; throw errorWithCode; } } const validateRule = ruleValidators.get(rule); if (validateRule) { const mergedOptions = deepMergeArrays(rule.meta?.defaultOptions, localOptions); validateRule(mergedOptions); if (validateRule.errors) { throw new Error(validateRule.errors.map( error => `\tValue ${JSON.stringify(error.data)} ${error.message}.\n` ).join("")); } } } /** * Validates a rule's options against its schema. * @param {{create: Function}|null} rule The rule that the config is being validated for * @param {string} ruleId The rule's unique name. * @param {Array|number} options The given options for the rule. * @param {string|null} source The name of the configuration source to report in any errors. If null or undefined, * no source is prepended to the message. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} If the options are invalid. */ validateRuleOptions(rule, ruleId, options, source = null) { try { const severity = this.validateRuleSeverity(options); if (severity !== 0) { this.validateRuleSchema(rule, Array.isArray(options) ? options.slice(1) : []); } } catch (err) { let enhancedMessage = err.code === "ESLINT_INVALID_RULE_OPTIONS_SCHEMA" ? `Error while processing options validation schema of rule '${ruleId}': ${err.message}` : `Configuration for rule "${ruleId}" is invalid:\n${err.message}`; if (typeof source === "string") { enhancedMessage = `${source}:\n\t${enhancedMessage}`; } const enhancedError = new Error(enhancedMessage, { cause: err }); if (err.code) { enhancedError.code = err.code; } throw enhancedError; } } /** * Validates an environment object * @param {Object} environment The environment config object to validate. * @param {string} source The name of the configuration source to report in any errors. * @param {(envId:string) => Object} [getAdditionalEnv] A map from strings to loaded environments. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} If the environment is invalid. */ validateEnvironment( environment, source, getAdditionalEnv = noop ) { // not having an environment is ok if (!environment) { return; } Object.keys(environment).forEach(id => { const env = getAdditionalEnv(id) || environments.get(id) || null; if (!env) { const message = `${source}:\n\tEnvironment key "${id}" is unknown\n`; throw new Error(message); } }); } /** * Validates a rules config object * @param {Object} rulesConfig The rules config object to validate. * @param {string} source The name of the configuration source to report in any errors. * @param {(ruleId:string) => Object} getAdditionalRule A map from strings to loaded rules * @returns {void} */ validateRules( rulesConfig, source, getAdditionalRule = noop ) { if (!rulesConfig) { return; } Object.keys(rulesConfig).forEach(id => { const rule = getAdditionalRule(id) || this.builtInRules.get(id) || null; this.validateRuleOptions(rule, id, rulesConfig[id], source); }); } /** * Validates a `globals` section of a config file * @param {Object} globalsConfig The `globals` section * @param {string|null} source The name of the configuration source to report in the event of an error. * @returns {void} */ validateGlobals(globalsConfig, source = null) { if (!globalsConfig) { return; } Object.entries(globalsConfig) .forEach(([configuredGlobal, configuredValue]) => { try { normalizeConfigGlobal(configuredValue); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`ESLint configuration of global '${configuredGlobal}' in ${source} is invalid:\n${err.message}`); } }); } /** * Validate `processor` configuration. * @param {string|undefined} processorName The processor name. * @param {string} source The name of config file. * @param {(id:string) => Processor} getProcessor The getter of defined processors. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} If the processor is invalid. */ validateProcessor(processorName, source, getProcessor) { if (processorName && !getProcessor(processorName)) { throw new Error(`ESLint configuration of processor in '${source}' is invalid: '${processorName}' was not found.`); } } /** * Formats an array of schema validation errors. * @param {Array} errors An array of error messages to format. * @returns {string} Formatted error message */ formatErrors(errors) { return errors.map(error => { if (error.keyword === "additionalProperties") { const formattedPropertyPath = error.dataPath.length ? `${error.dataPath.slice(1)}.${error.params.additionalProperty}` : error.params.additionalProperty; return `Unexpected top-level property "${formattedPropertyPath}"`; } if (error.keyword === "type") { const formattedField = error.dataPath.slice(1); const formattedExpectedType = Array.isArray(error.schema) ? error.schema.join("/") : error.schema; const formattedValue = JSON.stringify(error.data); return `Property "${formattedField}" is the wrong type (expected ${formattedExpectedType} but got \`${formattedValue}\`)`; } const field = error.dataPath[0] === "." ? error.dataPath.slice(1) : error.dataPath; return `"${field}" ${error.message}. Value: ${JSON.stringify(error.data)}`; }).map(message => `\t- ${message}.\n`).join(""); } /** * Validates the top level properties of the config object. * @param {Object} config The config object to validate. * @param {string} source The name of the configuration source to report in any errors. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} If the config is invalid. */ validateConfigSchema(config, source = null) { validateSchema = validateSchema || ajv.compile(configSchema); if (!validateSchema(config)) { throw new Error(`ESLint configuration in ${source} is invalid:\n${this.formatErrors(validateSchema.errors)}`); } if (Object.hasOwn(config, "ecmaFeatures")) { emitDeprecationWarning(source, "ESLINT_LEGACY_ECMAFEATURES"); } } /** * Validates an entire config object. * @param {Object} config The config object to validate. * @param {string} source The name of the configuration source to report in any errors. * @param {(ruleId:string) => Object} [getAdditionalRule] A map from strings to loaded rules. * @param {(envId:string) => Object} [getAdditionalEnv] A map from strings to loaded envs. * @returns {void} */ validate(config, source, getAdditionalRule, getAdditionalEnv) { this.validateConfigSchema(config, source); this.validateRules(config.rules, source, getAdditionalRule); this.validateEnvironment(config.env, source, getAdditionalEnv); this.validateGlobals(config.globals, source); for (const override of config.overrides || []) { this.validateRules(override.rules, source, getAdditionalRule); this.validateEnvironment(override.env, source, getAdditionalEnv); this.validateGlobals(config.globals, source); } } /** * Validate config array object. * @param {ConfigArray} configArray The config array to validate. * @returns {void} */ validateConfigArray(configArray) { const getPluginEnv = Map.prototype.get.bind(configArray.pluginEnvironments); const getPluginProcessor = Map.prototype.get.bind(configArray.pluginProcessors); const getPluginRule = Map.prototype.get.bind(configArray.pluginRules); // Validate. for (const element of configArray) { if (validated.has(element)) { continue; } validated.add(element); this.validateEnvironment(element.env, element.name, getPluginEnv); this.validateGlobals(element.globals, element.name); this.validateProcessor(element.processor, element.name, getPluginProcessor); this.validateRules(element.rules, element.name, getPluginRule); } } } /** * @fileoverview Common helpers for naming of plugins, formatters and configs */ const NAMESPACE_REGEX = /^@.*\//iu; /** * Brings package name to correct format based on prefix * @param {string} name The name of the package. * @param {string} prefix Can be either "eslint-plugin", "eslint-config" or "eslint-formatter" * @returns {string} Normalized name of the package * @private */ function normalizePackageName(name, prefix) { let normalizedName = name; /** * On Windows, name can come in with Windows slashes instead of Unix slashes. * Normalize to Unix first to avoid errors later on. * https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/5644 */ if (normalizedName.includes("\\")) { normalizedName = normalizedName.replace(/\\/gu, "/"); } if (normalizedName.charAt(0) === "@") { /** * it's a scoped package * package name is the prefix, or just a username */ const scopedPackageShortcutRegex = new RegExp(`^(@[^/]+)(?:/(?:${prefix})?)?$`, "u"), scopedPackageNameRegex = new RegExp(`^${prefix}(-|$)`, "u"); if (scopedPackageShortcutRegex.test(normalizedName)) { normalizedName = normalizedName.replace(scopedPackageShortcutRegex, `$1/${prefix}`); } else if (!scopedPackageNameRegex.test(normalizedName.split("/")[1])) { /** * for scoped packages, insert the prefix after the first / unless * the path is already @scope/eslint or @scope/eslint-xxx-yyy */ normalizedName = normalizedName.replace(/^@([^/]+)\/(.*)$/u, `@$1/${prefix}-$2`); } } else if (!normalizedName.startsWith(`${prefix}-`)) { normalizedName = `${prefix}-${normalizedName}`; } return normalizedName; } /** * Removes the prefix from a fullname. * @param {string} fullname The term which may have the prefix. * @param {string} prefix The prefix to remove. * @returns {string} The term without prefix. */ function getShorthandName(fullname, prefix) { if (fullname[0] === "@") { let matchResult = new RegExp(`^(@[^/]+)/${prefix}$`, "u").exec(fullname); if (matchResult) { return matchResult[1]; } matchResult = new RegExp(`^(@[^/]+)/${prefix}-(.+)$`, "u").exec(fullname); if (matchResult) { return `${matchResult[1]}/${matchResult[2]}`; } } else if (fullname.startsWith(`${prefix}-`)) { return fullname.slice(prefix.length + 1); } return fullname; } /** * Gets the scope (namespace) of a term. * @param {string} term The term which may have the namespace. * @returns {string} The namespace of the term if it has one. */ function getNamespaceFromTerm(term) { const match = term.match(NAMESPACE_REGEX); return match ? match[0] : ""; } var naming = { __proto__: null, normalizePackageName: normalizePackageName, getShorthandName: getShorthandName, getNamespaceFromTerm: getNamespaceFromTerm }; /** * @fileoverview Package exports for @eslint/eslintrc * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exports //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Legacy = { environments, // shared ConfigOps, ConfigValidator, naming }; exports.Legacy = Legacy; //# sourceMappingURL=eslintrc-universal.cjs.map